Aid Pool
According to the aid funds made by Clysterum users and companies, the treatment costs of deadly diseases such as Sma, Cancer, and Aids will be covered by the aid pool fund. The treatment expenses to be covered by the aid fund will be determined by the NGOs. A certain amount of the funds accumulated in the aid pool will be allocated to countries in need of aid, especially the African Continent, which has difficulty accessing basic health services. With the funds accumulated in the aid pool, we aim to solve the basic health problems of people as well as the health problems of animals. In line with the aims and objectives we have stated above, we aim to use a significant part of the aid pool for the health of our animal friends as well as the health of individuals. We believe that we can build a healthier world by increasing public health awareness in line with the goals and projects we have determined by acting with the awareness that this planet we live in does not belong only to us humans.
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